

Meet the plant-based nutritionist and blogger behind Elsa’s Wholesome Life, Ellie Bullen. Ellie’s world is blow-your-socks-off gorgeous on the ‘gram — a whirlwind of exotic travel, great style and some of the prettiest plant-based eating out there.

Ellie’s philosophy is simple: Eat. More. Plants. There may not be an easier — or more transformative! — rule when it comes to nutrition. Just try eating more plants (you know, fruits and veggies?) each day and see how it begins to crowd out the processed foods in your diet.

We love rifling through the kitchens of healthy eaters we admire. Get inspiration for your next grocery run with these simple as can be tips, tricks and fave picks from Ellie’s own fridge and pantry…

Food philosophy:

Eat more plants.

Always in my fridge:

Avocado, oat milk, nuts, tofu, tempeh, spinach and sauerkraut.

Recipe staples always on hand:

Olive oil, hemp seeds, oats, quinoa, coconut aminos, cinnamon, salt/pepper.

Must-have pantry staples:

Peanut butter, oats, hemp seeds, Flora Mānuka Honey, quinoa, brown rice, canned legumes and Flora Apple Cider Vinegar (Turmeric and Cinnamon flavor).

Must-have munchies:

Salted macadamias, medjool dates and corn kernels (for popping).

Favorite condiments:

Coconut aminos, chilli sambal, pepper and tahini.

Ingredient that makes everything taste better:


Go-to proteins:

Lentils, chickpeas, black beans, tofu and tempeh.

Best bargain:

Canned beans!

Best label-reading tip:

Always double check the ingredients list to see what sneaky ingredients are inside a product/food. And don’t forget to check how many “servings” are in an item — they like to trick us with that one, making a product seem healthier.

Favorite veggie and what you make with it:

Pumpkin. I love it roasted in big wedges with cinnamon and salt, served in a big macro bowl (quinoa, tofu, kale and avocado).

Craziest thing I buy:

I recently found vegan canned “tuna” and bought it to try it out. Probably wouldn’t buy it again, though…

Sweet indulgence I reach for:

I don’t tend to keep too many sweets in the house, however, medjool dates filled with peanut butter are my go-to indulgent sweet treat. If I’m going out to buy a sweet, Vego Chocolate is really delicious.

Non-dairy favorite:

Oatly Oat Milk, Coyo Coconut Yogurt, dill cashew cheese and Damona peppercorn almond feta.

Skip labels that read:

Sugar free, because that doesn’t always mean no sweeteners have been added. Or it may have artificial sweeteners added.

Usual splurge:

Vego Chocolate or a dairy-free Magnum.

For last-minute entertaining:

Guac and chips, and tacos! (Everyone loves tacos.)

Favorite places to shop:

I am in Australia, so the farmers market, my local health food stores, Asian supermarkets and, online, The Cruelty Free Shop.

Simple go-to recipe:

Love this salad as a meal prep recipe! Tastes great for lunch the next day.

Best food memory:

Probably the street food tour we did in Vietnam. It was lots of fun and we got to try and see a lot of interesting and weird foods. Vietnamese food is also some of my favorite from around the world. So much fresh flavor! A lot of recipes in my upcoming book are inspired by this country.

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