

For use only by adults 21 years of age and older; 18+ for medical states. Keep out of reach of children. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery while under the influence of this drug. Laws governing the legality, availability and use of marijuana vary by state.

THE FIRST TIME I ever smoked “the pot,” as my mom says, I was 17, laced with braces and in the back of my friend’s car as we listened to Fergie’s Glamorous. I started yelling that I couldn’t feel my tongue, and my friends swiftly shuffled me into the Century City Mall to see Marie Antoinette, where I sat in the front row — alone — eating popcorn covered in cheddar cheese powder with peanut M&Ms sprinkled throughout.

To call me a “hot mess” was an understatement.

As I continued to dabble in weed throughout my 20s, I often felt like a muted version of myself when I smoked or consumed it in edible form — paranoia here, silence there, I was just slower in a way I didn’t love. That time I got back to my college apartment only to discover my door knob was missing?? (We’ll talk about that another time).

Now that I’m pretty sober-curious (aka I really haven’t drank since #2020 hit), I still need a way to wind down and soothe my anxiety without needing to get ultra high to do so. I’ve down-shifted into the world of CBD (and love it, of course), but have stayed open to something that would be able to take me a little more outside of my thoughts and feelings and into the present. So when I found out about Delta-8 THC, I was “stoked.”

DankeSuper, a brand making super highly-concentrated tinctures and products for those of us who are already experienced in the CBD realm, has busted down the doors of the hemp scene. Behind Door no. 1? Delta-8-infused fruit gummies —DankeSuer’s Pate de Fruit to be more specific — and they deliver the smoothest high you could ever dream of.

Let’s start by understanding what Delta-8 even is.

What is Delta-8 THC?

With everything going on in the world right now, it’s not hard to feel stress when you hear or see the word, “Delta.” However, the Delta we’re talking about is helping to relieve stress, not cause it.

While marijuana has become legal in several states in the US, Delta-9 THC, the psychoactive compound that makes you feel high, is still illegal in many places throughout the country. Therefore, when the 2018 Farm Bill passed, weed and CBD connoisseurs alike discovered that you can derive Delta-8 THC directly from hemp…legally. Enter: A federally legal high available to all made from a cute, minor cannabinoid.

But Delta-8 isn’t the same kind of high as conventional marijuana. Because the Farm Bill stated that cannabis with less than 0.3% THC is technically considered hemp, the Delta-8 high is much less intense than its older sibling, Delta-9. As a result, one can expect a less heady high with lower prevalences of paranoia (and hopefully dry mouth).

While the high might be different, Delta 8’s benefits remain the same as its weed counterparts:

+ May Decrease pain | Delta-8 binds to the pain-regulating receptors in the body with potential analgesic properties.

+ can Improve appetite + digestion | Hangover? Fuggetaboutit. Delta-8 helps fight everyday nausea and indigestion, thanks to being more energizing than numbing.

In research, delta-8 has become a useful tool to some cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy who want the anti-nausea benefits of cannabis without delta-9’s stronger psychoactive elements.

+ Supports relaxation | Delta-8 provides a mild high that is as uplifting as it is relaxing for a quiet mind and a lively body.

+ may Improve sleep | Aspiring dreamers, fret not. Delta-8 can help relax you without a high that leaves you slammed in the morning.

So how do you consume it? We’ve got a bright idea…

The DSquared8 Pate de Fruit

DankeSuper has entered the Delta-8 THC scene with high standards in mind. Every product carries with it a full third-party breakdown of the final product and its phytochemical / phytonutrient profile of raw extract, terpene, contaminant, and final product concentrations. Now that’s high maintenance (ba dun dun).

Their DSquared8 Pate de Fruit is the perfect entry point for those who are curious about getting high without having to say, “I’m not high, you’re high” to their roommates, friends, or significant other (or parents, who knows?!).

With 30mg of Delta-8, these squares are made to be as perfectly balanced as they are potent.

Expertly Made | This high-class (I’m not going to stop with the high puns) selection is more than just your good ol’ fashioned weed gummies. Prepared by Alan Kaufman of Shibumi Farms with guidance from some of the most celebrated names in the culinary world, this textured fruit edible is delivering a sumptuous taste of a high we can all get behind.

All SuperDanke’s hemp is organic and non-GMO, sourced through the transparent ‘seed-to-shelf’ PSC .

High-End Flavor Pairings | Blood Orange, Meyer Lemon, Mango, Strawberry, Pina Colada, and Guava are just some of the few expertly made flavors that deliver the delicacy of Delta-8, using fruit sourced from fair trade relationships in Central America.

A Timely High | Even though these edibles are likely to hit you a lot sooner than the usual weed edibles, DankeSuper still recommends that you start off slow like you normally would and give yourself about an hour in between each dose. Start with a half a square and then increase mindfully (but still don’t go beyond one square initially).

Let that one time in Amsterdam, when you ate the entire space cake even though they told you only to eat one piece every 15 minutes be your lesson. No? Just me?

What Happened When I Ate Delta-8

I went out of my way to make my Pate de Fruit a MOMENT.

I had a whole plan, and the plan was that I had no plans, which meant that I would be indulging in a marathon of Sex and the City reruns, a face mask, and a luxurious square (or two) of my Pate de Fruit. The episode would be Hot Child in the City, where Carrie gets caught smoking a doobie in her man of the moment’s parent’s Upper East Side pied-à-terre. “Yes, Mrs. Adams,” you know the one I’m talking about.

Just as DankeSuper suggested, I started off with half a square of the Guava flavor and waited with baited breath.

I kept anticipating the moment where that “high” feeling would hit me all at once and then I’d have to sit down in a corner somewhere. But NO. Instead, within about 15 minutes, I felt a touch of euphoria coming on. Still dubious (yes, another weed pun) of this high, I suspected I’d feel more and more high as time went on, but that heavy feeling just never came.

I decided to just “go for it” and have the other half. The incessant fluttering feeling in my chest (that I always have) started to wane and I felt very present and in the moment without the dissociative feeling I’d normally get with weed.

After indulging in my evening routine, as well as the last of the night’s SATC, I was able to ease into immediate REM without racing thoughts or the need to repeat meditative phrases so I could fall asleep. The best part: I stayed asleep and felt rested when I woke up the next morning.

The DankeSuper Dose

Long story high, DankeSuper is doing something really cool here. Their products are made thoughtfully, artisanally, and for a full spectrum of hemp users.

While they’re really mastering this whole “Delta-8” thing, they also have an entire portfolio of hemp-based products that are reinventing the cannabinoid wheel.

Other products I’m really digging at the moment (yes, I was lucky enough to try):

DS SERIES TINCTURES | These three very beautifully designed tinctures are a bathroom shelf must-have. With three distinct flavor profiles and purposes, these tinctures come in the form of daily Balance, Clarity, and Decompression, with 800mg of full-spectrum CBD.

BODY CREAM | This easily-absorbed, smells-great-on-your-skin body cream is jam packed with skin-loving ingredients like shea butter, bisabolol, whole hemp extract, and jojoba and avocado seed oil. My skin was left feeling hydrated, but not so hydrated that I couldn’t get dressed after showering. Jeans + lotion? The worst! Add to cart. 

Final Thoughts + Feelings

While I was nervous to lose a sense of control to Delta-8, I found that I never once felt like I couldn’t manage my surroundings or that I was somehow “out of my head.” Being able to enjoy being in your body and mind while high is revelatory, and I’ll excitedly dive into my delicious DankeSuper flavor squares in the future.



This story is brought to you in partnership with DankeSuper . From time to time, TCM editors choose to partner with brands we believe in to bring our readers special offers. The Chalkboard Mag and its materials are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. All material on The Chalkboard Mag is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, exercise or other health-related programs.

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