

Couples yoga: is your boyfriend super into it? Or is this a take-one-for-the-team (namely your girlfriend) kind of activity? The answer seems to vary from couple to couple, but we think every couple should try this once! Lauren Gores-Ireland shows us how it’s done…

Couples yoga is challenging, mindful and enlightening. My husband and I are now beginning to practice it more often — this time, working alongside Molly Mitchell-Hardt and Alicia Henry of Apsara Life.

Practicing yoga with a partner brings two people together in a way no other workout does, building trust and confidence. Physically, couples yoga is an especially strong core and arms workout. You can do it from anywhere, and tailor the positions to fit your level of skill and comfort.

Here are four yoga positions to do alongside your partner. Free your mind and practice gratefulness:

Couples Yoga: 4 Poses To Try On Your Own


Begin seated back to back with locked arms. Press your weight into your partner’s back while keeping your feet grounded. Push the floor away as you rise together.


Begin standing roughly 5 feet apart, with your hands clasped together. Keep your arms straight, while your partner bends their elbows and leans toward you. Your body should remain stiff like a board, to uphold your partner’s weight. Alternate turns leaning into one another.


Have your partner lie on the ground, with his legs bent in a chair position. Place your hips on your partner’s feet, and lean forward. Reach for his hands as he extends them upward. Press your hips into your partner’s feet, as his legs extend toward the sky. Keep your chest and feet raised, while your partner adjusts his feet (his toes should be pressed into your hips to help create stability). Once you find your balance, let go of your partner’s hands and reach outward as your partner releases his hands to the ground.


Sit cross-legged next to your partner. Close your eyes and place your hands on your knees (palms facing upward). Focus on your breathing, as to create a peaceful environment after your workout. Practice awareness and be grateful for your partner’s support.

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