

Did you know that your city has a pollution report card?

We’ve been thinking a lot about air pollution lately – it’s unavoidable when living in LA. This recent story from the L.A. Times on the effects of car culture on our health is worth a read, especially if you live near a major thoroughfare.

Want to know how your own part of town and country hold up? We recently came across Scorecard, a giant database of information on the environmental, health and social impacts of consumer products. Editor’s note: This site is currently down. You can check out AirCompare instead. Based on aggregate in-depth research, each city in the data base is assigned a pollution report card rating it’s overall toxic chemical load including air and water quality, plus environmental justice activity.

Find out if your neighborhood is earning A’s or F’s by grabbing your city’s pollution report card. Then check out these three pieces to upgrade your indoor pollution game stat.

Improve Your Indoor Air Pollution | Amping up the quality of our home’s O2 can be as simple as swapping out commercial candles for chemical-free versions. From an easy dusting tip to air filters at every price, we love this list of simple and accessible solutions.

Keep Getting Planty | NASA’s study on the best air-purifying indoor plants will point you in the direction of a new green roomie that will brighten your space and remove toxins from the air. The report recommends at least one plant per every 100-square feet of indoor space, so feel free to stock up! Find our faves from the list here.

Eat Those Antioxidants | The more high antioxidant foods and products we welcome into our lives, the more able our bodies are able to stop of delay the damaging of cells. Of course, we aren’t going to eat a crate of blueberries for every meal. The herbs on this list are easy to integrate into our cooking and have a significantly higher concentration of antioxidants than other top ranking foods.

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