

Smoothie fatigue. It’s a problem. When you’re bored with your usual concoctions, the only thing that can reunite you and your Vitamix is a truly inspirational take on the blended meal. To pump some new life into our daily smoothie routine, we have a few fave books we turn to for plant-based geniusness. We’re digging veggie-based smoothies at the mo’ (like this pumpkin smoothie), so we’re all about the carrot-cake inspired green smoothie recipe from our girls over at Simple Green Smoothies (meet the ladies here!). Their brand new (un)cookbook is a blender-oriented babe’s latest must-have.

This cake-inspired smoothie is so yummy, you might want to put it in a bowl and eat it like ice cream. It’s that good. Here are the bloggers and authors with a few notes…

Carrot cake sounds kinda healthy, but it’s usually loaded with a lot of sugar. (After all, it’s cake!) Though nothing can truly replace your favorite carrot cake recipe, we are happy to share a healthy take on this classic dessert. Feel free to roast your raw carrots for a smoother, stronger taste. And if you don’t mind a nutty texture, you can top your smoothie with a few chopped walnuts, which will add protein not to mention ample doses of heart-healthy potassium and energy-boosting magnesium.

The Carrot Cake Smoothie
Serves 2


1 cup chopped romaine
1 cup unsweetened coconut milk
2 cups chopped raw carrots
2 clementines, peeled
1⁄2 tsp vanilla extract
dash of ground cinnamon (optional)
dash of ground nutmeg (optional)


Blend the romaine and coconut milk until smooth.

Add the carrots, pineapple, banana, clementines, vanilla, cinnamon (if using), and nutmeg (if using) and blend again.

Tip: Top with fresh homemade coconut whipped cream, toasted shredded coconut, walnuts, chopped fresh pineapple, or a little extra sprinkle of cinnamon and nutmeg.

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