

IT’S THAT FUNNY time of year, where all of our favorite brands have their biggest sales of the year, and we wonder – do I stock up for myself or actually shop for gifts? The answer is always a bit of both, especially when we’re talking about 25% off an entire brand like Anima Mundi.

Anima Mundi, whose IRL store is in NYC, is an incredible resource for gifts they’ll never expect, but absolutely love. I’m personally hooked on the Dirty Rose Chai and Adaptogenic Immortality potions for my morning coffee, and will likely stock up on those, plus an extra for gifting!

Here are all my top picks from NYC’s top herbal apothecary. Shop Thursday through Mon midnight (PST) to catch 25% off everything!

DIRTY ROSE CHAI COLLAGEN POWDER | It’s not Dirty Rose Chai’s first time on our pages and it won’t be the last. This is probably the most chic wellness drink out there with pure and functional rose powder, plus a blend of warming, nourishing spices. A thrilling gift for any fall latte lover or chai drinker – so easy to make!

WOVEN BRASS TEA STRAINER | These beautiful brass tea strainers would be lovely to pull out of a stocking this year. The woven cup with handle is designed to perch perfectly on the edge of a mug or glass. An ideal gift for the loose leaf tea aficionado.

ADAPTOGENIC IMMORTALITY POWDER | I use this in my coffee nearly every day. With organic heirloom cacao powder and seven powerful mushrooms, this potion gives me a potent dose of antioxidants, plus cognitive, energy and immune benefits, while adding a rich flavor to lattes or black coffee that I love.

ROSE HEART OPENING POWDER | This stuff is so special and unique. If you have anyone in your life that is, like me, obsessed with rose, this is a must-buy. Did you know that roses have an exceptionally high vibrational frequency? These flowers are actually good vibes – and rose powder has a luxurious floral taste (rose hot cocoa, anyone?) that may support skin, eye and cardiovascular health.

BUTTERFLY PEA POWDER | One of the most beautiful herbal potions around, butterfly pea flower powder can be used to turn food and drink a brilliant blue (or purple with a splash of lemon!).

Called Anchan tea in Ayurvedic tradition, butterfly pea flower contains many of the same health-promoting compounds you’d expect from foods like blueberries. According to herbalist Adriana Ayales, butterfly pea flower tea is also used traditionally for healthy-looking skin, hair and eyes.

ADRIANA’S NEW ORACLE DECK | The Herbal Astrology Oracle is a mystical card deck designed to amplify our intuitive and energetic knowledge. Harnessing the powerful connection between the wisdom of plants and their astrological correlates, this 55-card deck is already selling out with Anima Mundi’s hardcore fan base.

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