

Remember the days when you were stuck with whatever fitness classes your big-box gym or YMCA had to offer – and if you didn’t like those, then you were basically left on your own? Yeah, those days are ancient history now. As bona-fide fitness fanatics, more often than not we find ourselves almost overwhelmed by how many teachers, formats, and fit trends we have to choose from all mere minutes from each other. And even though L.A. is pretty much the fitness capital of the world, we’re constantly looking to our innovative East Coast sister city for cues as to what to try next. SoulCycle, modelFIT, The Class – NYC always seems to be ahead of the curve when it comes to how to sweat.

NYC fitness and lifestyle blogger Aly Teich of The Sweat Life gave us a little workout tour of The Big Apple, and the deets on her six fave fitness hotspots you need to try next time you’re in the city that never sleeps…

The 6 Best NYC Fitness Studios To Try Now

The Fhitting Room

What it is:
A high-intensity interval (HIIT) workout that utilizes your own body weight, as well as rowers, free weights, kettlebells and more. No treadmills!

Why I love it:
It is the closest you’ll get to working with a personal trainer in a group setting (two instructors per 12 or 24 people).

Where to find it:
Upper East Side: 1166 Lexington Avenue. Flatiron: 31 West 19th Street.

Lyon’s Den Yoga

What it is:
Hot power Vinyasa yoga in the Baptiste Yoga method.

Why I love it:
Lyon’s Den Yoga is hot and athletic. The practice is meaningful and Bethany Lyons, the founder, is an amazing instructor.

Where to find it:
279 Church Street, 3rd Floor.

Barry’s Bootcamp

What it is:
“The best workout in the world.” The hour-long workout includes 25-30 minutes of interval cardiovascular treadmill routines and 25-30 minutes of strength training using free weights, resistance bands, medicine balls and more.

Why I love it:
Everyday is different and the cardio and strength training are insane! Workout segments and trainers are never repeated and each day of the week focuses on a different muscle group. I especially love the Monday arms workout and the weekend full-body workout.

Where to find it:
Chelsea: 130 West. 20th Street. Noho: 419 Lafayette Street.Tribeca: 1 York Street.

Throwback Fitness

What it is:
The 45-minute class uses the indoor rower blended with retro exercises – think push-ups, jump rope and squats. They also play old-school rock and hip-hop tunes.

Why I love it:
Not only is it a calorie scorcher, but you are part of a team, which makes you feel like you’re back at recess or playing high school sports.

Where to find it:
202 Fifth Avenue, Suite 207.


What it is:
A total-body program that incorporates cardio, strength training and pilates using a megaformer.

Why I love it:
It never fails to get me sore. SLT lives up to their name of “strength, lengthen, tone.”

Where to find it:
Midtown: 41 West 57th Street, 8th floor. Flatiron: 137 5th Avenue, 2nd floor. Soho: 132 Crosby Street. Upper East Side: 201 East 67th Street, 4th floor.

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