

Think you’re the most devoted coconut water lover out there? Well, we wonder if you’ve heard of all twelve of these coo-coo for coconuts uses? Our friends at Food Matters are uncovering a dozen new and unusual ways to use our favorite nut from coconut Americanos to coconut water as stock to cook rice in – absolutely genius!

We’re obsessed with this list. Which idea are you going to try first?

Need a refresher on why you should be drinking coconut water in the first place? Here are 55 reasons. 

12 Crazy Ways To Use Coconut Water

Wash Your Face

Coconut water is popular in India for clarifying the face and is said to reduce acne, control oily skin and moisturize. Try it yourself with fresh, unsweetened coconut water!

Cure A Hangover

Enjoyed yourself a little too much last night? Dehydration and reduced electrolyte levels are the major reasons you’re feeling so lousy. Drink coconut water before you go to bed that night, or drink it in between glasses to help cut down the likelihood of a bad hangover. Drinking less alcohol will also help!

Swap It For Stock

Try using coconut water as a replacement for stock or plain water when cooking soup or rice! It adds a unique flavor to your dish, and can be used sweet or savory.

Make An Iced Coffee (Espresso In Coconut Water)

Move over milk, coconut water makes a great base for an iced coffee. Simply pair 1 shot of espresso with as much coconut water as you like. Serve over ice cubes. Perhaps coconut water ice cubes?!

Face Mask

Take a little time to pamper yourself. Simply combine a dash of lemon, coconut water, a pinch of cinnamon, a dollop of natural yogurt, a little turmeric, and some quick oats to create a paste. Leave on for 5-10 minutes. Your skin should feel nourished and soft with this calming mask.

Support Your Gut Health (Coconut Kefir)

Create a probiotic rich drink using water kefir grains. You can order these online or at your local health food store. It’s similar to kombucha helping to nourish and support your gut health.

Cool Down

Whether you’re making a punch or simply wanting an icy cold drink, make coconut water ice cubes! Add edible flowers, lavender, or pieces of fruit such as blueberries and raspberries for a gorgeous way to chill any drink and cool yourself down!

Make Icy Poles!

Slice fresh fruit and add to ice block moulds. Pour coconut water in and place in the freezer to set. It’s hydration and a pretty, nourishing snack all in one!

Make Healthy Candy With It

Kids and big kids alike will love these jello-style candies. Simply combine ½ a cup of agar agar (or quality grass-fed gelatin) with ½ cup of boiling water, ½ cup of fresh fruit juice (just don’t use pineapple or passionfruit, it won’t set), 1 cup of coconut water, and 2-3 tablespoons of maple syrup. Pour into a lined container and set in the fridge. Cut into whatever shapes you like once firm and enjoy

Make A Salad Dressing

Create a delightful dressing by combining ¼ cup of coconut water, 2 tbsp of lemon juice, 2 tbsp of olive oil, and a pinch of sea salt and cracked pepper. It works amazing with a mixed fruit and vegetable salad! Perfect for Summer!

To read more ways to use coconut water click through here!

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