

We’re so charmed with style blogger and new mama, Chriselle Lim. We recently met Chriselle at a luncheon here in L.A. and apparently we were the last ladies alive to be introduced to this blogger’s epic taste and inspiring style.

Chriselle’s YouTube channel has a world-class audience (she’s the top fashion expert on YouTube, in fact!) and, in a media age where we’re often left puzzled by who rises to prominence on various platforms, Chriselle’s success makes perfect sense to us. She’s beautiful, but demure; on-trend, but ultra-tasteful, and the design of everything she produces gives us that warm and cozy fashion feeling we normally get from print alone.

Join us for a glimpse inside Lim’s busy mornings to see how she begins her days in stylishly good health – new baby Chloe in tow. Our Mornings With feature is one of our favorites! We;re loving this dreamy mix of fabric face masks, men’s button-ups, and green smoothies…

My alarm is set for…

No need to set an alarm when you have a four-month-old baby who wakes up at 7 a.m. on the dot.

I can’t start my morning without…

Cuddles from my baby girl Chloe, Instagram and, of course, Snapchat.

Breakfast is normally…

Very routine. Oatmeal, green juice and an almond latte. Sometimes I’ll spice things up with avocado toast.

Favorite morning beverage is…

A green smoothie and a green juice.

Daily uniform this summer…

Oversized men’s button-up with a mini skirt and a pair of brogues.

My favorite moment in the morning is…

The moments I get with my daughter. I spend a good 30 minutes just talking and singing to her. She lays there laughing and smiling at me. There’s absolutely no better way to start the day than that.

On the best mornings I…

Go for a run, spin or do Pilates!

I start working by…

10 a.m.

Mornings are normally filled with…

A million things to do – from nursing Chloe and getting my workout in, to making a nutritious breakfast and answering emails. And Instagramming and Snapchatting all the moments in between the chaos.

I get my creative juices flowing by…

Working out! I get my most creative ideas when running or spinning.

Healthiest daily habit…

Snacking and juicing all throughout the day between my meals so I don’t overeat at the end of the day.

Current obsession…

Korean collagen sheet masks that I use every night. They makes my skin so radiant and glowy!

I’m usually listening to…

The indie stations on Songza.

My favorite morning distraction…

My daughter Chloe Victoria. I forget about all the worries in the world when I’m with her.

Always thinking about lunch…

After I have breakfast. Immediately after I’m done with my oatmeal and green juice, I’m thinking, “Hmmmm, I wonder what I’m going to have for lunch?”

My current mantra:

“Man… he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived.” This quote helped me put things into perspective and reminds me to always live in the present.

The recipe I'm making:

I’m not that advanced in the kitchen but the two things I love making are avocado toast and cold oatmeal.

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