

What you need to know: Camu camu is a little red and purple cherry-like fruit native to the Amazonian lowlands of Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and Brazil. It is renown for its unusually high vitamin-C content, potent antioxidant composition and overall nutrient density, making it an extremely popular superfood worldwide. With 250 milligrams of vitamin C per teaspoon, camu camu strengthens the immune system, helping to prevent upper respiratory infections and the flu, and promotes collagen production, thereby reducing wrinkles, improving the tone of the skin, while building bone, blood vessels and organ tissue. Camu camu can also promote fat burning in the body, aiding in natural weight loss.

Why you should try it: Camu camu is one of the best ways to boost vitamin C levels since it comes from a natural food source. Unlike synthetic forms of ascorbic acid, it has no toxic side effects that can lead to the damaging of tissues. Regular consumption of camu camu can help to brighten the skin, giving you that sought-after youthful glow. As for more therapeutic uses, clinical evidence has shown it to be effective in lessening symptoms of asthma, even stopping attacks once underway.

Let’s get together: Unique in taste, camu camu has a slightly sweet and mildly tart flavor. Since the fruit is not easily accessible, we love it in powder form. Using Immunoligic’s Camu Camu powder, we add a scoop into our morning Stevia-Sweetened Tropical Green Smoothies. And if we aren’t in the mood for liquid nourishment, we opt for a camu-packed snack line by Navitas Naturals. Called “Power Snacks,” they are loaded with fifteen or more superfoods, and come in many flavors such as Coffee Cacao, Lemon Goldenberry and Citrus Chia.

Editor’s note: we found this tropical fruit on our recent trip to Maui’s beautiful organic farms. Stay tuned for more next month about the tips we learned for farm and garden – and for more of our superfood finds!

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