

The fitness blogging world has taken the internet by storm in the last few years. Now more than ever, it’s easy to find an accountability buddy, a new treadmill routine, or just someone like you who is taking their health into their own hands. From mommies to college grads, from burpees to Body Pump, there is someone and something in the fitness blogging world for everyone. Here are a few of our must-bookmark blogs when it comes to getting inspired to perspire through the holidays.

  • Our top fitness blogs to bookmark now...

  • MizFit

    Carla Birnberg of MizFit.com isn't your typical fitness blogger - and that is why we love her so much. Her tag line "Because Fitness Isn't About Fitting In" guides Carla as she dives into everything from product reviews to hilarious anecdotes about her daughter and partner-in-crime. You'll be seriously inspired and laugh your face off simultaneously.

  • Q by Equinox

    Equinox Fitness is at the cutting edge of everything fitness-related, and their blog is no exception. Qblog is not only visually stunning, but exposes you to the top trends and scientific studies when it comes to breaking a sweat. Qblog, we salute you.

  • Fit Bottomed Girls

    When Jennipher Walters and Erin Whitehead originally started Fit Bottomed Girls, they intended it to be a hub for all things fitness. Due to the site’s increasing popularity, the FBG team now includes all types of fresh perspectives and fun content. The FBGs are all about being real women, not some fitness ideal or bodybuilder. Fun, informative, and down-to-earth.

  • Fitnessista

    Gina of Fitnessista started her blog to share her healthy recipes, workouts, and lifestyle with her personal training clients. Since then, it's exploded into a go-to blog for quick workouts, clean eats, and a dose of what it's like to really live a fit lifestyle in the "real world."  We love Gina's upbeat personality and hearing about her adventures as a military wife, new mom, and all-around awesome individual.

  • The Great Fitness Experiment

    One year of trying every fitness craze under the sun? We wish we could! That is why we love Charlotte, who has done it for us! Charlotte takes the guesswork out of exercise - you know those moves you've always wanted to try? That piece of equipment that makes you wonder: "Does this really work?" Use The Great Fitness Experiment as your guide.

  • YogaDork

    Are you a yogi? Do you love to laugh? We've got the blog for you. YogaDork offers commentary on the latest yoga news with wit and wisdom. They remind us that through all the Warriors, Down Dogs, and Half Moons, one of the most important take-aways from yoga is not to take yourself too seriously. YogaDork, we heart you.

  • Fitness Black Book

    Rusty Moore launched Fitness Black Book in 2007 as a way to detail what it really took to look like your fave lean, mean fitness machine celebrities (without the crazy extremes or a bodybuilding mentality). Since then, it has evolved into a hub for "all the tips your personal trainer doesn't know about." We love his easy to understand circuit training workout!

  • Meals & Moves

    Janetha of Meals & Moves: wanna be our new BFF? This fit chick writes with the candor and ease of a best friend you've known for ages - a best friend who is game to try any fitness challenge thrown her way. Visit her site for the workouts and recipes, stay for her way of making you feel like family.

  • FitSugar

    FitSugar is our favorite when it comes to quick bits of helpful and fun fitness anecdotes. We love their sound advice, celeb profiles, and short yet effective how-to videos.

  • Mark's Daily Apple

    Mark's Daily Apple is kind of  the golden standard when it comes to fitness blogging. Billed as "primal living in the modern world," Mark's advice is for Paleo devotees and non-Paleo folks alike. Always consistent, always informative, always posting exactly what we've been wondering for months on end. Why is my weight loss stalled? Why am I not sleeping? Mark has all the answers and a pretty stellar lifestyle program to follow if interested.

  • Blogilates

    We didn't think it was possible - but fitness guru and POP Pilates creater Cassey Ho makes us LOVE the moves we usually loathe, via Blogilates. Couple this with her upbeat personality, wealth of information and fit fashion tips, and you've got your new online addiction. Squats, hundreds, and leg raises, oh my!

  • Huffpost Healthy Living

    Formerly the fun fitness blog operating under the moniker of "That's Fit," HuffPo's fit-minded corner of the web is not to be missed. It's everything you'd expect from a Huffington Post site: quality content, intriguing contributors, and the nitty-gritty facts you're dying to know about. We love their nutrition posts and wellness factoids, but their fitness content is especially stellar. Bookmarked!

  • Running Off The Reese's

    Dear Cely of Running Off The Reese's: If laughter truly burns calories, then we've dropped a dress size since first perusing your blog. Cely knows how to strike the balance of informative and hilarious, mixing quality workout insights with LOL-worthy memes and celebrity "inspiration." This twenty-something beauty also suffers from rheumatoid arthritis, so her positive outlook and fit lifestyle despite the challenges thrown her way are incredibly inspiring. 

  • Peanut Butter Fingers

    Julie Fagan founded Peanut Butter Fingers in September 2009 as a way to simply share her fitness tips, yummy recipes, and life tidbits with her friends and family. Since then, PBF has grown into a force to be reckoned with in the fitbloggin' world. Julie updates three times daily, documenting her life one bite, one step, one laugh at a time. Her smile is infectious, and the way she balances her life's various components makes her a true healthy role model.

  • We want to know...

    These are our faves, but there are so many great resources out there! Is there a go-to fitness blog we haven't mentioned that you're dying to share with other TCM readers? Leave us a comment and tell us why they get an A+ in Phys Ed!

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