

Everything You Need To Know About The Full Moon In Sagittarius 2022 meaning

MARIAH K. LYONS is an author, designer, crystal healer, intuitive and herbalist based in Los Angeles, CA. She is the founder of the luxury grounding footwear company ASTARA and best-selling author of Crystal Healing for Women.

SPIRITUAL SIGNIFICANCE…We officially made it through the first eclipse season of the year, and June’s “Super” Full Moon in Sagittarius is a welcomed respite and jumpstart.

This Tuesday, June 14th at 4:51am PST the moon will reach it apex in mutable Sagittarius. It’s a “Supermoon” as it is closer to the earth and appears bigger an brighter. This Full Moon is completing the cycle that begin with the Sagittarius New Moon back on December 4th, 2021, which also happened to be a solar eclipse. With everything that has been shaken up and transformed over the last two months, especially the last Super Blood Moon/Lunar Eclipse in May, this Full Moon brings about curiosity and exploration of new possibilities. We are also strongly feeling Neptune’s energy lately, which can heighten confusion, fogginess or hidden agendas. Perhaps you are physically or mentally fatigued, allow this moon to help clear mental clutter so you can playfully create the next phase of your life.

OVERALL THEMES TO EXPLORE… Curiosity, Travel, Expansion

What was going on for you December of 2021? What were you calling in and looking to create? What came to fruition? Stay curious right now in the experiences you have been calling in for your life and what you want to create next!

Sagittarius loves adventure and travel, so if you are feeling called to hop in the car and road trip or book a flight to a city you’ve always wanted to visit, now is the time! Travel can help expand mental parameters of what is possible, even if it’s visiting a part of town in your current city you’ve never been to!

You’re being asked to change things up and be playful in this stage of creating your next chapter. So stay curious and enjoy the exploration.

HOW YOU MAY FEEL… Uncertain, Sensitive, Spontaneous

Again, the influence of Neptune right now is bringing a level of uncertainty to the current energetics. Neptune also governs intuition and spiritual gifts, so use this time as practice to tune into your heart vs. your mind. Your mind may be foggy but your heart will always know. Trust and act upon any arising grounded spontaneity. If you get a whim to visit a friend and have the means and time to do so — great! Listen to where you are being directed and called and trust yourself to follow your intuition.

As things are shifting day by day, and we are still in Post Mercury Rx shadow period during this Full Moon until June 18th, just make sure any spontaneous travel plans or outings are fully refundable and allow changes.

EXCELLENT TIME TO… Hike, travel, visit friends, spend time in nature, write, paint, feel ALL your feelings.

Allow the energy to move. Sagittarius loves to globe trot and explore, so let it move! Either through travel or physical movement, let the energy move through you. Also a great time to be with friends and loved ones, especially those that inspire you to think outside of box. This is a time for playfully creating this next chapter so let it be fun!

What was I calling into my life in Dec. 2021? What have I experienced and learned since then?

Where have I been dreaming of traveling? What is holding me back from that trip?

What topics am I interested in researching and exploring that I may have been putting off?

Where does there feel like confusion in my life? Where might I let myself have more fun? What is my idea of fun here and now? What am I wanting to create now?

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