

Is change a problem or a solution? Does it scare us or challenge us to rise to the occassion? Monica Berg is the author of Fear is Not An Option and Rethink Love and the host of the Spiritually Hungry Podcast.

A self proclaimed “change junkie,” Monica teaches individuals how to create a life that not only feels like it’s working, but a life in which they are living as the powerful, fulfilled person they’ve always wanted to be. One of her most powerful tools is to help others positively reframe the idea of  ‘change’.

“Growth and comfort do not coexist.”

– Ginny Rometty, Executive Chairman, IBM

Does the word change excite you? Most of us panic. Sometimes the idea of change can evoke our most painful memories of difficult transitions and challenging circumstances. And yet, if we’re honest with ourselves, we know change is part of the constant ebb and flow of the universe. We may equate change with our least favorite memories, but we rarely give it the credit it deserves in connection to our happiest experiences.

After all, change was there for all of the good, too!

The kabbalists teach that our purpose for coming to this world is to transform and perfect our positive traits and transcend our negative qualities. In short, change is a necessary part of becoming our best self and we start by thinking about our lives.

Do you love what you do? If not, do something else. If you love what you do, do more of it. And if you don’t know what you love, it might be time to find out. We must always remember this is our life, and we alone are responsible for the quality of it.

Eventually, you may come to see that change actually creates a more meaningful day-to-day life — and you’ll want more of it. This is what becoming a ‘Change Junkie’ looks like.

American psychologist, Abraham Maslow, once said, “In any given moment we have two options: to step forward into growth or step back into safety.” Appreciating change starts with the acceptance that change is inevitable; it happens in small, mostly unnoticed ways, every day. We can learn to recognize that change is naturally occurring. We can seek it out, and eventually, even welcome it.

Here are a few habits and meditations to start creating intentional change in your life now:

On having vision: If you could change one thing about your life, your habits, or your personality, what would it be? How would your life look after you made that change? Write it out and think it through.

On relationships: Instead of focusing on your partner’s faults — say, forgetting to replace the cap on the toothpaste, change your perspective on the relationship by making a list of all the positive traits that your partner possesses. Keep adding to that list and see how it effects your relationship!

It’s the little things: Make a list of changes you’d like to see in life. Schedule little changes you can take that will ultimately lead to great change. This is surprisingly effective!

Reward yourself: When you have made a change, whether big or small, stop to celebrate your job well done.

Instead of dreading change, get “addicted” to it. The blessings of change are endless and the opportunities without limit. All of us are just a few baby steps away from our most fulfilled selves and, collectively, from a whole new world. Isn’t it time to get started?

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