

natural dye diy

Did you know that avocado skins can dye fabric pink? We love the idea of a simple, sustainable DIY project to linger over with family this weekend and all of the below qualify.

We’ve rounded up our best tie-dye and other natural home dyeing projects that use plants, minerals, fruits and veggies. Depending on the resource you have at home and how adventurous you’re feeling, there’s something here for everyone to celebrate the spring and Easter weekend coming up.

It’s important to consider the environmental impact synthetic dyes have on the earth. Natural dyeing is a gentle alternative and contributes to slow, eco-friendly living. The most common plant-derived dyes come from avocados, turmeric, onion skins and tea. To get amazing results, use natural organic materials such as wool, silk and cotton.

Avocado dye | Don’t toss those avocado skins just yet! Use them in this dye tutorial from Rebecca Desnos, author of Botanical Colour at your Fingertips, and you’ll get the most gorgeous pinks, peaches and dusty rose hues you’ve ever seen. Full directions ahead. Read more

Dyeing with Wild Plants | Chelsea Heffner of the Northwest’s Wildcraft Studio School, leads impressive workshops based on wild-crafted elements and traditional artisan techniques. Here she shows us how to dye silk with wild fennel, berries and grapes. To eat or to wear? That is the question. Read more


Classic Tie-dye | Kaleidoscopic hippie tie-dye is always fashion in our eyes. Wild, whimsical abandon with a wink? We’re in.  This project will have you channeling the inner Deadhead you never knew existed. Or maybe just your inner child. Either way, you’ll have a blast and create some psychedelic colored beauties. Read more

Shibori |
Another perennially chic textile is Shibori. Designer, fine arts professor and author of Natural Color, Sasha Duerr, teaches the classic “arashi shibori”.  This approach uses natural plant dyes made from seasonal elements from fruits to leaves.  Read more

Rainbow pasta |
This one is for those of you that just can’t seem to leave the kitchen. We feel you.  Rainbow pasta by Linda Miller Nicholson will give art and rainbow food-lovers all the feels. No toxic food coloring here. This will brighten up even the gloomiest of days. Read more

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