

Between green juice and smoothies, adaptogen tonics and superfood lattes, we thought we’d sipped it all. But, in our recent interview with gut health guru, Donna Gates of Body Ecology she revealed that, as part of her morning routine, she drinks a wellness beverage we’ve never tried!

Here’s the excerpt on the two-ingredient drink Donna swears by, how to whip it up and why to bother… 

I drink a “probiotic juice” that acts as an adrenal tonic and also provides the sweet taste you need when you are too contracted. Choose a no sugar sour juice like cranberry, pomegranate, açaí, noni, mangosteen or black currant and put this into a probiotic liquid like young coconut kefir or our probiotic drink that contains super probiotics, built-in prebiotics, and beneficial yeast. Add stevia to sweeten if needed. (Tip: For those who are weaning off of sugar, stevia could be a good way to transition. For those who have hormonal imbalances or infertility, please remember moderation is key.)

Donna’s sparkling Probiotic blend
Serves 1

2/3 cup coconut kefir or probiotic drink (like her own Cocobiotic)
1/3 cup sour juice (cranberry, pomegranate, açaí, noni, mangosteen or black currant, or even a combo of these)
Stevia (optional)

In an 8-ounce glass, add coconut kefir (or another probiotic drink) and sour juice. Stevia is optional to add here, but if you’d like, add 5 drops. Stir and serve!

Donna sandwiches this deeply healthy bev’ between two other drinks in the morning — check out her full routine in the story here.

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