

It’s so hard to believe, but it’s time to swap out beach towels for backpacks and sunscreen for schoolwork. The back-to-school season means gearing up our young ones for another year of education, socialization and growth. Sniff sniff. But it also means shopping! So while you’re stocking up on pencils, paper and glitter glue, check out my must-have list of back-to-school reads for kids of all ages…

This Is the Way We Go to School: A Book About Children Around the World
by Edith Baer, $6.99
This book shows kids from all around the world going to school, some by bus, some by train, some by camel. A fun read that offers some cultural perspective that I love.

Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!
by Mo Willems, $17.08
This laugh-out-loud tale of a conniving pigeon who is always trying to bend the rules will be the perfect way to gear your kids up for early bedtimes on school nights.

Oh, the Places You’ll Go!
by Dr. Seuss, $11.52
What’s lovely about Dr. Seuss is that his stories can really resonate with kids of all ages. Pick up this classic and inscribe a note to your child in it every year before they start a new grade… a perfect keepsake.

Where’s Waldo Now?: The 25th Anniversary Edition
by Martin Hanford, $ 10.97
This book doesn’t release until late September, making it the perfect “we survived the first month back at school” gift for your littles. The creative, crazy world of Waldo has brought the joy of books to generations and this 25th anniversary edition will certainly become a staple in your library.

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff for Teens: Simple Ways to Keep Your Cool in Stressful Times
by Richard Carlson, $8.27
I am not quite at the teenage years yet with my kids, but I have read the original book in this series and imagine the teen version will be a good read for your middle and high school students as they get set to navigate another school year… hopefully one filled with a little more amazing and a little less angst.

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