

We were shocked to learn from The Craving Cure author, Julia Ross that certain chronic food cravings are directly correlated with deficiencies in specific amino acids. 

Take the quiz to determine which type of food cravings you have — like, are you munching due to stress or is it fatigue? — then read through below to get the full picture… 

Are you looking for a dietary solution that does not involve starvation, willpower or incarceration? If so, spend the next three minutes filling out The Food Craving Type Questionnaire. Your scores on this questionnaire will identify which of five types of food craving is keeping you trapped in unhealthy eating habits. Once you know exactly what kind of craving problem you’re up against, you can actually solve it with the help of a few appetite-regulating protein supplements called amino acids.

Most people find that, to get complete relief from all food cravings, they need to use individual amino supplement concentrates for a few months in addition to increasing the amount of amino-rich, high protein foods at least three times a day permanently.

As a clinic director working with food cravers for over 30 years, I’ve seen this questionnaire enlighten thousands of cravers and heard thousands of their amazed reports on the benefits of the amino acids that their questionnaire scores had indicated they needed. Before they try any aminos, of course, my virtual clinic’s staff always educates them about their particular craving type (or types) and makes sure that it is safe for them to take any aminos that seem to be indicated. But you won’t need our clinic’s help, because you can find all of this information in The Craving Cure.

Which Amino Acid Do You Need?

Type 1: Depressed or Anxious Cravers are deficient in the most famous of our natural appetite-controllers, the brain neurotransmitter serotonin. But serotonin lack and the cravings it causes can be remedied. You can promptly lose your afternoon or evening urges for sweets or starchy carbs by taking the nutrient needed to make more serotonin. This amino acid can be easily found as a supplement and comes in two forms: tryptophan or 5-HTP (5-Hydroxy-tryptophan).

Type 2: Crashed Cravers have scores indicating that their blood sugar levels are dropping too low, too often. This drives them to crave and consume sugar, too often. Type twos usually respond beautifully to an amino acid called glutamine. Glutamine can almost instantly restore optimal blood sugar balance to the brain and obliterate these hypoglycemic sweet cravings.

Type 3: Comfort Cravers have the most common type of food craving. If your score here is high, your brain’s supply of endorphin, your natural source of enjoyment, reward and comfort is probably running too low. Comfort Cravers become dependent on the brief endorphin surge they can get from the drug-like effects of sugar, chocolate or baked goods. Fortunately, they can abolish such cravings with the help of an amino acid called D-phenylalanine. We call it DPA for short. DPA taken as a supplement can be found alone or in a form called DLPA (DL-phenylalanine). Either way, it produces a strong, natural sense of well-being without the “assistance” of ice cream, candy or bread.

Type 4: Stressed Cravers’ scores reveal that they eat badly or too much when they are tense or stressed. They’re typically lacking in GABA, our natural tranquilizer. Luckily for them, GABA is readily available as a supplement and it wipes out both stress and stress-caused cravings.
Note: When GABA doesn’t work in one out of 10 cases, we’ve found that a different calming amino acid called theanine will.

Type 5: Fatigued Cravers have become dependent on the energy boost they get from sweetened and caffeinated beverages or pure sugar. Their high scores in this fifth section of the questionnaire point them toward an amino acid supplement that fuels the energizing and rewarding functions of their brains naturally. Called tyrosine, it quickly produces good energy and focus. No more need for colas, lattes, iced tea or energy drinks loaded with fructose.

As the cravings stop, it’s crucial to begin eating healthy foods, including lots of amino-rich protein, at least three times a day. After a few months of this, the amino supplements will typically no longer be needed.

The Chalkboard Mag and its materials are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. 
All material on The Chalkboard Mag is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, exercise or other health related program. 

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