

What is it that’s so thrilling about a royal wedding? Everything.

As the world gets to know Meghan Markle, Prince Harry’s recent officially announced fiance, we thought we’d share a few tidbits about Meghan Markle’s wellness routine from our archives!

Long before she was betrothed to the world’s most eligible bachelor, we had an inkling that Markle was royal status all the way. We’ve enjoyed a friendly exchange of lifestyle and wellness content over the years with Meghan and her lifestyle blog, The Tig. We’ve always admired the princess-to-be’s sense to style, charitable way of thinking and balanced way with wellness.

Read one of our favorite TCM pieces from Meghan here and learn how this wellness-lover will no doubt be moving an infrared sauna, Vitamix and juicer right on in to the royal palace…

READ ON: Living Well with Meghan Markle

Want more Meghan? Read what went on her charitable holiday wishlist last year!

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