

Hey girl,

So I’ve never written anything like this before which you may be able to tell once you read it aloud. I wouldn’t peg myself as much of a writer or even a sharer of words, but I’ll give it a go for you. Besides, if I’m going to write a love letter to anyone it might as well be myself.

I shall start by saying, you amaze me sometimes. I would have never of guessed that you out of all people would do a raw vegan diet for 60 days. Though I must confess that deep down inside I knew you could do it all along, you just had to prove to yourself. You are so courageous. No one knows all the fears and doubts that you have, but you keep going and you do with a smile on your face.

You are learning to love yourself more and more each day and I’m so sincerely proud of you. Take care of your body baby girl. I know you want to and I know you don’t feel like it and you’re probably going to “do it later”. This experience that you have had will always be a reminder that you are unstoppable.

You’ve always been afraid of setting goals because of you’ve always been either too apathetic or afraid of failure, but look at you! You did it! And you loved it. You thrived in ways you never thought you could. You have power! Don’t be afraid of going for what you want because you can do anything!

Welp. That’s it boo boo.



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