

On Day 60 we decided to write ourselves a letter chronicling this crazy raw vegan journey. It’s Day 65 (Day 2 off of the diet), but here’s mine:

Today, you are 22 years, 11 months, and 3 days old. You weigh 136 pounds and are 5 feet and 5 1/2 inches tall. You think this last part is really cool because that number comes out to 5.5.5 and it feels like you just won a slot machine in Vegas when you say it out loud. You are finally starting to wear your hair curly, which you haven’t done since you were twelve, and you still don’t like your ears.

In some ways you are the same girl you were roughly 60 days ago. In other ways, you’ve undergone major changes. You’ve sustained hope, self-discipline, and a little bit of heartbreak. You’ve realized that beauty is not measured in pounds or by the width of your ears. If you think about it, what you’ve realized is that beauty is not measured at all. Beauty is in the unfinished…and today, in this moment, and in all of the moments thereafter, you are unfinished.

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