

When I was pregnant with my daughter Rumi Joon, I had what I like to call an “eco-awakening.” I grew up in a very green household in Northern California, and I was used to eating organic and living sustainably. But when I became pregnant, my awareness of my impact on the world, my baby, and myself expanded in a huge way. As a model, I spent years in the makeup chair. When I was pregnant, I started to ask for natural, toxin-free cosmetics, but there was nothing available that fit my needs. I kept wondering, what is this stuff doing to my child? So I created my own line of pure and healthy makeup that is good for your body and the planet.

Now that I’m pregnant with my second child (due in July!) I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about how to detox your beauty routine. Here are my best tips.

1.     Read the label. Looking at and understanding ingredient listings on your cosmetics products can be so confusing. When reading ingredient labels, look for products with a few amount of ingredients, and ones that you can easily pronounce and understand. It’s generally a good way to figure out how pure and natural a product is.

2.     Look for Multi-taskers. Part of the reason that makeup and skincare can be so confusing for people is that there are just so many products!  Some women have cabinets full of stuff they never use—what a waste. I recommend looking for products that can easily multitask. Buy a lip color that can double as a cheek color or a bronzer that could make a great nude eye shadow. My ultimate multi-tasker is my 100% Pure Argan Oil. I put it on my face and body to moisturize, my hair to tame frizzies, and my nails to repair cuticles. It replaces so many products in one, and it definitely takes the guesswork out of my beauty routine.

3.     Say no to synthetic: One of my biggest “no-no’s” in making my products is synthetic fragrance. Many synthetic fragrances contain phthalates, which can damage the reproductive system. To avoid synthetic fragrances, look for products that list “natural fragrance,” or even better, list pure essential oils instead of “fragrance.”

4.     Beautify from the Inside Out: In order to give your skin the chance to look and feel its best, you need to take care of yourself! De-stress by stretching and practicing meditation, exercise to increase circulation, and eat healthfully to give your skin the nutrients it craves. And drink water! When you nurture the inside of your body, you’ll notice it on the outside.

As you detox your beauty routine, try to think about what you find beautiful. For me, doing good is a beautiful thing—that’s why I try to give back to organizations I care about. Being a happy, healthy person who does nice things for people will make you more beautiful than any makeup product ever could.

With love,


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