

diy composting honest co

We’re all for making our homes the healthiest they can be, not only for our families but for the enviroment around us. While composting has been on our to-do list for quite some time, we’ve always shied away – the task always seemed a little too daunting. Where do we put it? What do we put in it? How do we prevent it from, well, stinking up the entire block? Thankfully, our friends at The Honest Company (Jessica and Christopher were two of our first Guest Editors!) have come to the rescue, with eight simple tips to get your compost pile going. Thank you very mulch…

Starting a home composting program is easier than you think. Did you know Americans throw away more than 30 million tons of food waste per year? Many items found in your kitchen can be spared from the trash can. Thanks to our friends at ecoscraps you can start your home composting bin today and help lower this growing statistic.

Eight Easy Steps to Start Composting

Pick a location:

It’s important to pick the right location for your composting area. The ideal spot would be in your backyard, close to a water source, and in a partially shaded area.

Choose how to store:

You may choose to compost in an enclosed area, in a compost bin, or in a compost tumbler. Buy a smaller compost bin for your kitchen. Empty the contents of that bin every 2-3 days into your outdoor composting area.

Educate your family:

Educating yourself and teaching your family what can be composted is the best way to ensure a healthy compost bin. You can use educational reminders like our “Put These in My Compost Bin” sheet and “Compost Coloring” sheet, or visit great Web sites like Mother Nature Network and Organic Gardening to learn what to compost.

Know what NOT to compost:

Never compost the following items (for reasons of health, hygiene, and inability to break down):

  • Meat or meat scraps
  • Bones
  • Fish or fish bones
  • Plastic or synthetic fibers
  •  Oil or fat
  • Per or human feces
  • Weeds that have gone to seed
  • Disposable diapers
  • Glossy paper or magazines
  • Cat littler

For a full list of items, check out Mother Nature Network’s “30 Things You Should Never Compost or Recycle.

Find the best balance:

Composting, like gardening, is a science. Mother nature needs the right mix of carbon and nitrogen to turn your food scraps and yard waste into rich, healthy compost. Carbon and nitrogen sources come in the form or “Green” and “Brown” waste. Green waste is rich in nitrogen and will give your compost pile the moisture and heat it needs to break down quickly. Brown waste is rich in carbon and will give your pile the aeration it needs to build healthy compost.  As “Brown” waste tends to break down more slowly, it’s a good idea to chop them into smaller pieces if possible.

To read all eight tips and start your own composting program, visit The Honest Company blog for more…

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