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Body Love: 7 Workout Essentials to Play Up Your Assets
Play Up: Amped Arms

What's the key to showing off sculpted shoulders and hard-earned triceps? A minimalistic racerback or halter top. And Lululemon is so on-point in this department, we just had to shout them out again. Their Free To Be Tank (in their new spring green, natch) is the perfect way to play up arms toned by chaturangas and bicep curls alike. Glowing smile not included - that part's up to you!



Body Love: 7 Workout Essentials to Play Up Your Assets

We’re all about positive reinforcement, so when we sat down to review our favorite workout wardrobe staples, we decided to focus–not on what we don’t love–but on what we do. Instead of lamenting over what we’d like to change, we’ve found that the best results come from taking pride in what we’ve already got – and we’ve all got something! We’ve rounded up our favorite spring gear to enhance your assets, whether it’s long legs or a toned backside. Get ready to work it!


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