

5 Powerful Herbs to Naturally Detox and Cleanse Your Body

Looking to hit the reset button and give your body a little extra TLC? Turns out, Mother Nature’s got you covered! We tapped into the wisdom of Tanya Ellie, holistic health coach and founder of The Holistic Remedy, who shared her top five powerful herbs that can naturally detox and cleanse your body. Ready to feel refreshed and recharged? Here’s what she has to say—you’re going to want to add these herbs to your wellness routine ASAP!

5 Powerful Herbs

You hear it all the time these days: toxins are lurking everywhere. And while it’s always good to be aware, it can also be really overwhelming. So first, I want you to take a deep breath. 

Okay, ready? Let’s reduce the overwhelm.

First of all, let’s define what a toxin is. A toxin is essentially an organic poison. In other words, it’s a naturally occurring substance that can make you sick, especially in excessive amounts. Some common toxins include pesticides, air pollution, alcohol, medications, heavy metals, and mold.

And yes, it’s true that toxins are difficult to avoid completely. In most of the modern cities and towns we live in, we’re constantly being exposed to toxic substances through our food, products, and environment that can deeply affect our health if left unchecked.

That last part is key. You have the power to support your body’s natural ability to detoxify, which is the process by which your body removes toxins and greatly reduces the harm toxins might otherwise have on your body.

This is where herbs can make a big difference.

Herbal detoxification is an ancient practice that has been used for centuries to support the body’s natural detox pathways. These are the routes through which your body eliminates toxins, which include your liver, kidneys, lymphatic system, skin, lungs, and gut. 

Fast forward a few thousands years and scientific studies are now showing us exactly how these herbs amplify the body’s detox process.

Let’s explore five scientifically-backed herbs known for their detoxifying properties, how they actually work in your body, and practical tips to incorporate them into your daily routine.


Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) is often dismissed as a weed, but it’s so much more than that. In fact, this sweet yellow flower is one of my favorite science-backed herbs to use for detox. 

It’s packed with powerful detoxifying properties, particularly when it comes to liver health. Your liver is your body’s primary detox organ – it’s responsible for filtering toxins from your blood and breaking down any harmful substances that creep in. Dandelion aids in this filtration process by increasing bile production, a fluid produced by the liver that helps flush out toxins from your body. 

Studies have even shown that dandelion can protect your liver cells from oxidative stress, a type of damage caused by free radicals. This protection helps your liver function better and recover more quickly from the constant exposure to toxins. 

Practical ways to add it to your daily routine

  • Brew a tea from the dried root – its most potent form
  • Add dandelion greens to your salad


Milk thistle (Silybum marianum) is another herb with a long history of use for liver detoxification. Think about substances that can cause a lot of strain on your liver: things like alcohol, pollutants, and medications. Milk thistle makes it harder for those toxins to harm your liver. 

The secret to milk thistle’s effectiveness lies in its active compound, silymarin. Silymarin is a powerful antioxidant that has been extensively researched for its liver-protective properties. It works by strengthening the walls of your liver cells, making it more difficult for toxins to get inside and cause damage. 

But milk thistle doesn’t just protect your liver—it also promotes healing. Silymarin stimulates the production of new liver cells, which is particularly important if your liver has already been damaged by toxins. 

Practical ways to add it to your daily routine

  • Most commonly taken in capsule or tablet form
  • Add milk thistle tincture to water or tea


When you think of cilantro (Coriandrum sativum), your mind might jump to delicious dishes like burritos or salsas. But cilantro is much more than just a flavorful garnish – it’s a potent herb with impressive detoxifying properties, particularly when it comes to removing heavy metals from your body.

Heavy metal toxicity is becoming an increasing concern. We’re exposed to these harmful substances through multiple sources, including contaminated food, water, industrial pollutants and personal products (even some tampons). Over time, heavy metals like mercury, lead, and aluminum can accumulate in your body, leading to a range of health issues. 

This is where cilantro comes into play as a natural detoxifier. It has a unique ability to chelate, or bind to, heavy metals stored in your body’s tissues. Once bound, these metals become more soluble, making it easier for your body to eliminate them. Essentially, cilantro helps to “unlock” these toxins from where they’re stored, assisting your body in flushing them out effectively.

Practical ways to add it to your daily routine

  • Add fresh cilantro to burritos, salads, smoothies, or any dish
  • Use cilantro extract for a more potent dose


Red clover (Trifolium pratense) is a gentle yet powerful herb. It’s known for its ability to improve blood circulation and boost your body’s natural detox pathways.

By supporting healthy blood flow, red clover helps to ensure that toxins are efficiently transported to your liver and kidneys for elimination. It also supports your lymphatic system, which transports lymph – a fluid containing waste, toxins, and immune cells – throughout your body. By facilitating effective lymphatic drainage, red clover assists in the removal of these waste products and helps reduce the burden on other detoxification pathways. 

I also love using red clover for its estrogen-like effect, which makes it a valuable herbal remedy for hormone balance – a delicate system that can be easily thrown off by toxin exposure. 

Practical ways to add it to your daily routine

  • Most commonly used as a tea made from its dried flowers
  • Also available in tincture or capsule form 


Burdock root (Arctium lappa) has a long history of use in traditional medicine as a blood purifier. It’s known for its ability to assist the body in eliminating toxins through several pathways.

One of the key ways burdock root promotes detoxification is by stimulating the liver to release stored toxins. As the liver works to process and break down these toxins for removal, burdock root helps move this process along. It further aids in the removal of these toxins through urine. 

I also love using burdock root for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It’s a great remedy for skin health, especially with skin conditions that are commonly linked with internal toxicity, such as acne and eczema.

Practical ways to add it to your daily routine

  • Make a burdock root tea
  • Add fresh burdock root to soups and stews


Blending herbs is an effective way to boost the power of your herbal detox. Start by choosing one or two herbs that resonate with your unique needs, and gradually build from there. 

Here are some practical ways to add blended herbs to your daily routine:

  • Morning Detox Smoothie – Add fresh cilantro and dandelion greens to your morning smoothie for an easy detox boost. This is especially effective if you’re looking to support heavy metal detoxification.
  • Supplement Routine – Consider a combination of dandelion root, milk thistle, and burdock root supplements daily, especially if you’ve been exposed to toxins and are looking for a more potent way to support liver health.
  • Fresh Culinary Herbs – Incorporate fresh cilantro or burdock root into your meals. You can also use dandelion greens in salads and soups for its detoxifying benefits.
  • Evening Detox Tea – End your day with a soothing detox tea made from a combination of dandelion root, milk thistle, and red clover. This will help keep your body’s detox process humming throughout the night.

Herbal detoxification doesn’t need to be complicated – in fact, it’s better to keep it simple. 

Detoxification is an ongoing process; your body naturally knows what to do. The problem is that your level of exposure to toxins can sometimes overwhelm your body’s systems. 

By incorporating detoxifying herbs like dandelion, milk thistle, cilantro, red clover, and burdock root into your daily routine, you can support your body’s natural ability to clear those toxins out. 

And remember that holistic health is different for everyone. Try to identify the natural remedies that work best for your bioindividuality. A holistic practitioner can help – especially if you’re looking for personalized guidance, have any underlying health conditions, or are taking medications.

About Tanya

Tanya Ellie is a holistic practitioner & health coach who’s helped thousands of women elevate their holistic health and transform their life. Find the guidance you need to nourish your body from the inside out and restore your body’s natural ability to heal through her website.

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