

What if we could better predict when we’ll be feeling social, introverted, productive or emotionally depleted all based on our monthly hormonal cycle? We feel like we’re close to cracking the code since trying the app by female health pro Alisa Vitti who intends for us to do just that.

Learning about how our hormones shift throughout the month is like obtaining a cheat sheet for all our most subtle (yet significant) needs. Vitti’s app “MyFLO” let’s us track our cycles, note symptoms throughout the month and learn what’s happening to our bodies in real time – and how we can adjust.

We’ve been surprised by how much we’ve gained from using Vitti’s simple guidance day to day and asked her to share some basics with us here. It’s not just about ‘that time of the month’. There are four phases in every woman’s monthly hormonal cycle. Learn how to benefit from understanding each… 

One of the biggest myths I find myself busting every day is the notion that periods are nothing more than a monthly inconvenience. Nothing could be further from the truth, and I’ve literally made it my business to debunk that commonly held belief. Not only should your flow be a symptom-free experience, but it should be one of four monthly phases that gives you crucial clues about your overall health.

Don’t believe me? Even the the American Council of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG) agrees that your period is as important as your breathing rate and blood pressure in the big picture of your well-being, and that’s why they now consider it a fifth vital sign. That means menstruation matters — a lot.

So many of us are taught that our periods are problems that primarily affect our lady parts. But in reality, understanding your monthly cycle is your ticket to synchronizing your entire life for optimal success in all areas. If you know what’s happening with your hormones all month long, and you have the tools to support your endocrine system, you can plan everything in your life — from food to exercise to career moves — to complement your natural rhythms, eliminate symptoms and be the absolute best you can be. Who wouldn’t want that?

Your menstrual cycle has a profound impact on your mental state — that’s a fact. If you honor your natural hormonal fluctuations during each phase, you can take advantage of your body’s innate wisdom and capitalize on the shifts to make better decisions, strengthen your relationships and achieve more in life. But if you’re like so many women out there, you’re not just out of touch with your natural fluctuations, you’ve completely disconnected from them because your hormones are seriously out of balance. This can happen for so many reasons, from dietary choices to environmental influences and more. But the great news is you can start healing this imbalance right away by learning to eat and live in a way that restores hormonal harmony.

One way to achieve harmony is to start diligently tracking any aches, pains, mood swings, etc. I call this cycle synching, a powerful practice that involves eating, exercising and living in a way that makes perfect sense for your body.

Here’s a sneak peek of the cognitive changes you can expect from phase to phase so you can start tuning into these powerful shifts ASAP:

The follicular phase
(the week after your period ends)

During this week, your estrogen levels will rise, making you more adept at conquering fresh ventures. Start new projects, make new plans and get excited to tackle new challenges. To gain the extra energy you’ll need to power through, be sure to eat healthy, get enough exercise and prioritize your sleep.

The ovulation phase
(mid-cycle for 3-5 days)

Feeling like a rock star? You should! Your estrogen is the highest it’s gonna get all month during the ovulation phase, and this means you’re biologically at the most fertile point of your cycle. When your hormones are balanced, this is the time that you’ll feel super confident, attractive and articulate. Use this time to be social and really put yourself out there.

The luteal/premenstrual phase
(10-12 days before your period starts)

Here’s where you switch gears from being uber-social to getting ultra-organized. Your progesterone is now at its highest point, and you’ll probably feel drawn to detail-oriented tasks. Channel your energy into those more mindful goals and save any unnecessary extroversion for another time.

The menstruation phase
(the 4-7 days of your period)

When it’s time for your period, all your hormones dip to their lowest levels. You shouldn’t be in pain or agony (if you are, that means you have a lot more work to do in healing your hormones and restoring balance), but you might feel extra introspective. It’s a great time to reflect on the events of the month and start setting goals for your next cycle. Rest up and prepare to do it all again!

The Chalkboard Mag and its materials are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. 
All material on The Chalkboard Mag is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, exercise or other health related program. 

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