Digestion might not be water cooler fodder in your office, but in Chalkboard land, it’s another story. We’re always talking detox, cleansing, fermented foods, colonics and other gut-related topics. And honestly, we’re hoping others catch on soon: our digestive systems are directly connected to our immune systems and can be either our greatest ally or our worst enemy when it comes to cancer prevention. Holistic health pro Elissa Goodman digs into the ins and outs of keeping your gut in tip-top shape for the long haul…
A lifetime of poor eating, stress and environmental toxins has thrown our guts off balance. Our diet lacks beneficial bacteria that our guts needs. The “bad” bacteria is winning the fight and most of us aren’t doing what it takes to strengthen our “good” bacteria. This is so important, because we have 10x more bacteria than human cells in our body. Our constant exposure to stress, illness, inflammation, antibiotics and the American diet taxes our guts. While your gut is responsible for breaking down food and absorbing nutrients, it’s also the home to 70-80% of your immune system. Without a healthy gut, you can be exposed to bacterial infections, viruses and cancers.
5 HEALING SOLUTIONS for a healthy gut
Take A Daily Probiotic…
…to renew healthy bacteria in your gut and improve your immune system. Renew Life Probiotic (minimum of 50 billion) and Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotics Professional Formula
vegan probiotic are my two favorites.
Add Fermented Foods...
…into your diet because they have live probiotic cultures and you can’t get enough of them. Here are a few that I like: coconut kefir, coconut yogurt kefir, sauerkraut, kimchee, kombucha, tempeh and unpasteurized miso.
Take A Daily L-Glutamine...
…supplement to rebuild the villi in the gut and repair leaky gut. I recommend Integrative Therapeutics L-Glutamine or Metagenics Glutagenics
powder for high quality L-glutamine supplements.
Take A Digestive Enzyme...
…before meals to help your system break down your food and to help with nutrient absorption. I recommend E3 Enzymes Supreme or Enzymedica Digest Gold
Take The Anti-Microbial...
…berberine to protect against bacterial infections in your gut. It reduces inflammation, improves insulin sensitivity and may prevent cancer cells from spreading. I recommend Thorne Research Berberine capsules.