

True Detoxification: 6 Healing Solutions To Remove Toxic Buildup

Recently, holistic nutritionist and cancer survivor Elissa Goodman shared a guide with us covering ten key issues related to the root causes of cancer. We were overwhelmed, both by the amount of information she had to share, and by just how insightful and useful it all was.  We asked Elissa to partner with us on sharing these ten keys with our readers. This post on detoxification and the removal of toxic build-up is the first of a series of ten from Elissa we hope you dive into to make crucial changes for the good of your health this year.

The first step in detoxification is to start with the dirty truth: Your body is filled with cancer causing toxins that must be removed. When toxins enter our body, our natural alkaline state is converted to an acidic state and our body becomes a breeding ground for cancer. In addition, this stress weakens the immune system and increases susceptibility to disease, viruses, and infections. Toxins come from our food, water, environment, and even chemicals that are used to clean our homes and manufacture our food. Our bodies are very smart, and do their best to process these toxins through our liver, kidneys, lungs, and skin. But with the overwhelming amount of toxins in the world, our bodies need help! Making dietary decisions will not only take stress off of our digestive, circulatory, and lymphatic systems, but will aid in removing this toxic build up.

“By cleansing your body on a regular basis and eliminating as many toxins as possible from your environment, your body can begin to heal itself, prevent disease, and become stronger and more resilient than you ever dreamed possible.” – Dr. Edward Group III, CEO of Global Healing Center

6 Healing Solutions To Remove Toxic Buildup

Eat Whole, Nutrient-Dense Foods...

…at least 80% of the time. The other 20% you can balance with those things you love to indulge in.

Try An Infrared Sweat...

…to expedite the detoxification process by heating your tissues several inches deep. It also enhances circulation and helps oxygenate your tissues. You can find out more on getting a detoxifying sweat in, here.

Drink An Organic Raw Green Juice Or Smoothie Everyday...

…to not only push toxins out of your fat stores, but to provide an abundance of enzymes, vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals.

Start Your Day With Water And Lemon...

…before turning to coffee to keep your body alkaline, loosen toxins in the digestive track, stimulate the liver and boost the immune system.

A New Rule...

…if any product you use is not safe to eat, don’t use it! There are plenty of natural products on the market today. Everything we use makes an impact on our health.

Everyone Needs To Detox...

…from environmental, product and food toxins. I use a very safe product called, Advanced Bio Nutritionals PectaSol Detox Formula that helps reduce your build up of toxins, heavy metals, and pesticides. 

Additional source for detoxing cancer: Cancer Cleanse Camp

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