

Denise Vasi’s morning routine is as earthy and relatable as any. This mama, actress and wife of soon-to-be-on-your-radar film director, Anthony Mandler is as down-to-earth and insightful as she is knock your socks off gorgeous. And she’s got projects at the ready.

Living well happens in the smallest of moments, and that’s something Vasi clearly understands. From setting multiple alarms and chasing a toddler around their (virally gorgeous) kitchen to shooting warm lemon water in a hydrogel eye mask while racing out the door, follow Denise as she lays it our for us in our Mornings With feature… 

My alarm is set for…

6:30 a.m., 6:45 a.m., 6:50 a.m., 7 a.m. Hahahahaaha!

I can’t start my morning without…

Breakfast is normally…

In the car.

Favorite morning beverage is…

I love something warm first thing in the a.m., so I start with a warm glass of lemon water. I try to wait ’til 10 a.m. to have any coffee, and then I’ll have an almond milk cortado.

Daily uniform this spring…

A pair of jeans and OTT earrings.

My favorite moment in the morning is…

When my daughter, Lennox Mae, runs out of the bedroom into the kitchen with massive bedhead screaming, “Good morning!”

On the best mornings I…

Am out the door by 8:15 a.m.

I start working by…

Opening up my laptop and tackling my flagged emails first.

Mornings are normally filled with…

Me chasing my naked toddler around the house, repeating, “We are going to be late! We are going to be late!!”

I get my creative juices flowing by…

Staying present, keeping my eyes, ears and heart open. Inspiration is everywhere, waiting to be found.

Healthiest daily habit…

Saying “no.” This is something I really struggled with, and honestly, I’m not 100% free of the guilt that comes along with saying “no,” but I definitely am more comfortable with it.

I’m most obsessed with this currently…

I’m usually listening to…

Nursery rhymes, Sohn, Beyonce, Cardi B. or a podcast.

My favorite morning distraction…

Always thinking about lunch at…

Drop-off time at school.

The recipe I’m making:

My “Blueberry Elvis Presley”: A powerful snack for mamas or the little ones. Slice a banana in half, smear peanut butter (or almond butter) on each side and add halved blueberries.

My current mantra:

Self-care is healthcare.


You are how you start your day. Get inspired by the
morning habits of your fave wellness pros 
in our ‘Mornings With’ series.

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