

Kevita Culture: 7 Fermented Foods To Eat Now

Chakra Earthsong Levy is the dynamic co-founder behind one of our other favorite natural drink companies. Kevita makes a rainbow of deliciously addictive fermented beverages made from coconut water. Since they’re fermented they provide a great kick to the digestive system and a boost to overall vitality.

Since we’re huge fans of all things cultured, we wanted to know about all of the fermented foods and drinks that Chakra herself loves. We knew she’d have the down low on why we should be eating them – and how. Here are Chakra’s favorite sources for quality cultured foods and what she had to say about them…

Cultured or fermented foods, especially those that are raw or contain live probiotics, are a cut above the rest and add a delightfully complex taste, nutrient profile, as well as beneficial bacteria to your diet. Adding fermented foods on a daily basis can boost healthy gut bacteria. Gaining in popularity, they’re more accessible than ever before, so now’s a great time to expand your palate and your gut flora!


Chakra’s 7 Favorite Fermented Foods


Sauerkraut is made from cabbage – try a basic variety to start with, such as cabbage and caraway. Once you’re accustomed, explore the wide variety of options, or try making your own! 


Kimchi is more intense and much spicier than sauerkraut. If you like zing, try kimchi.


My personal fave is South River Miso Company. Their miso is handmade, raw and unpasteurized, and they are the only independent miso maker left in the U.S. You’ll find these to be the most flavorful and exotic of the misos available.


There are nine different flavors of KeVita – all delicious and easy to drink, but we especially love Daily Cleanse, Coconut and Living Greens!


Fermented soybeans pressed into flat rectangular bars, Tempeh’s complex texture readily soaks up flavors and is a great alternative-protein source that can be used in just about any cuisine.


Tamari is the wheat-free version of soy sauce. It has a wonderful salty flavor that lifts a bowl of steamed veggies to a whole new level of deliciousness when accented with high quality coconut or olive oil. 


Kvass is the easiest of any fermented food or drink to make – make it yourself! I’m loving the super-healthy beet kvass recipe that was recently featured on The Chalkboard. 

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