

air quality

We all do it, we all need it: Like drinking water and getting sleep, breathing is one of the easiest (and most important) ways to improve health. So easy, in fact, that sometimes we forget that not all air quality is equally pure or beneficial – or that there’s something we can do about it.

From the most common air quality contaminants to our favorite resources for clearing them out, read on for a rundown of how to improve the air quality of your home or office, and make the most of that sweet, sweet O2. Breathe a little easier with this essential information…

7 Home Air Quality Concerns

Toxic Dust. PBDEs (also known as toxic dust) are a known nervous system toxin and currently used in plastics and fabric, most notably, in electronic devices. They can accumulate in the body and may damage the live, kidneys and affect the brain and behavior, according to the EPA who, in December, officially named PBDEs “chemicals of concern.”

Mold + bacteria. Found indoors and outside, mold can have a big impact on indoor air quality.

PolleN. Plants and flowers can release microscopic pollen into the air that can then be trapped inside our homes.

Household odorS. Gas stoves and cooking food process itself can also emit fumes and VOCs into the air.

Pet dandeR. Cats, dogs, and other household pets can shed microscopic material around the home.

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Some household air fresheners and cleaning products can contain VOCs, which can be released into the air. According to a study carried out by the US Environmental Protection Agency, toxic fumes released from cleaning solvents and deodorants are some of the most common indoor air pollutants.

Formaldehyde. Foam that can be found in textile-covered furniture can release formaldehyde gas. Additionally, some carpets, rugs and their backing materials can emit VOCs when new, and potentially throughout their life.

4 indoor Air Quality solutions at all costs

HIGH: Dyson Pure Hot + Cool | Sometimes a heavy duty air filter is just what we need to breathe a little easier. We love this gorgeous model from Dyson, which heats, cools and uses a 360° Glass HEPA filter that captures 99.97% of potentially harmful particles – and traps them in the filter rather than releasing them back into the air like many other machines. It actively monitors air quality too. CHECK OUT HERE

MIDPOINT: House Plants | Many plants are natural air filters. Buying plants like a Dwarf date palm, Bamboo palm or Janet Craig is an inexpensive, efficient method of cleansing the air. The hardest part is learning how to keep them alive, but we’ve got you fully covered here.

MIDPOINT: Charcoal Air Filter | We love this pretty little bamboo charcoal air filter from Morihata. It makes a chic desk accessory, but more importantly it fucntions as a reusable, eco-friendly and all-natural way to purify the air around you. CHECK OUT HERE

LOW: Open A Window | Indoor air is often far more polluted than outdoor air. Opening a window for even a few minutes a day let’s the bad air out and better air in. If you live near a busy road or a facility that emits a lot of air pollution, wait until down times when air quality is best.

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