

Okay, okay – this little potion doesn’t actually cost us a twenty spot a sip, but raise your hand if you’ve become well aware of the cost of all your wellness pantry staples? We feel ya, and when we added up the bill for all the adaptogens, potions and powders in this superfood latte recipe from our friends at New York’s CAP Beauty, we had a moment of sticker shock from the $300 tab. Startling at first, until you break it down to about three month’s worth of glow-inducing, anti-inflammatory latte breaks at around the same price as our fave urban coffee bars. 

While stocking up for this goji latte from scratch calls for a bit of an investment at first, we’re soothed by the thought of all those cups full of wellness we’ll be drinking daily well into 2017. When it comes to beauty investments, we’re happy to splurge on nutrition – even if it means reigning in our shoe budget for a month. Looking to save rather than spend? Get all our smoothie and healthy latte recipes here and focus in on just one power-packed ingredient that’ll boost your health without breaking the bank – good cheap choices include fresh turmeric and DIY nut milk!  

Do you make lattes and potions like this at home? What are your go-to ingredients and tricks to make your wellness pantry work for you?

You all know by now that we love to uplevel and always take our rituals to a higher place. So when we decided to add in goji berries to our morning or afternoon tonic we were thrilled with how it turned out. The goji berries add a layer of dimension that suits the herbs perfectly. This immune boosting, inflammation reducing and beauty promoting elixir is perfect for the seasonal transition upon us. Enjoy and drink to your health!

The Goji Coconut Superfood Latte


6 ounces seed milk or brewed tea of choice
1 Tbsp goji berries
1/2 tsp reishi
1/2 tsp he shou wu
1/4 tsp turmeric
1/2 tsp lucuma
1/2 tsp cacao
A pinch of ground cardamom
1 tsp The Coconut Butter
1 tsp tocotrienols
1/4 tsp bee pollen to garnish


Heat up seed milk or tea to just shy of a boil. Add all other ingredients, except bee pollen, to a high powered blender – we love the Vitamix for its powerful blend.

Pour hot, but not boiling, milk or tea in blender and blend on high for a minute. Pour into your favorite mug and top with bee pollen.

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