

lekfit lauren kleban

You know the story. It’s the holidays and you’re either heading out of town or just too busy to hit the gym. Pie and cookies pour into our lives, and suddenly we’re floating far, far away from the fitness goals we worked on all year.

Lauren Kleban is the founder of  LEKFIT, the dance-driven LA-based fitness studio that Emmy Rossum and Busy Phillips are hardcore devotees of. She recently launched the new JETSET LEKFIT series online to give her subscribers a series of full body – and completely equipment-free – workouts that can be done anytime, anywhere. And we can’t think of a more perfect tool for this time of year.

According to Lauren, “JETSET LEKFIT workouts are specifically designed for clients who are traveling without access to any equipment and are in need of shorter length workouts, as all of the JETSET workouts range between 10-30 minutes”. Below lauren is sharing a few fave moves to whip out wherever you’re traveling in the next few weeks…

A Real Workout That Can Be Done Anywhere

SQUAT PLANK JUMP | Standing parallel, squat down by pushing hips back and keeping your knees over your toes. Place hands or weights on the ground and jump back into plank position. Hop back to a squat and slowly return to start. Try this for ten to fifteen repetitions to get your heart rate up while working your core, arms and glutes.

FULL BODY PLANK | We love major multitasking moves and this plank series is an LEKFIT staple. Begin in plank position (with or without five pound free weights). Extend the right arm up, then left. Be sure to keep the shoulders down and core pulled in tight. Next, alternate lifting the legs by engaging the glutes and keeping the hips down, then alternate a one-arm row. Finally, alternate pulling the knees in to target the lower core then extend the leg back while lifting the hips and returning to plank. Try this plank series for ten full repetitions.

SIDE LUNGE LEG LIFT PLUS TRICEP EXTENSION | Standing parallel (with or without five pound free weights), lunge to the side while sitting back and engaging the glutes. Drop the weights down, then lift the leg into a parallel second position while simultaneously lifting the arms up. Try doing five lunge leg lifts on one side then five to ten tricep extensions and move to the other side. Repeat this entire move twice.

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