

Sahara Rose On Adopting An Abundance Mindset

Financial self-care isn’t the sexiest wellness topic, but it’s an essential one. How we relate to what we have, what we want, and how we get is inevitably intertwined with our stress cycles and overall emotional well-being.

As with anything health-related, there’s no one size fits all formula for financial advice, but the adaptive philosophy of Ayurveda is an excellent entry point. Ayurvedic expert and bestselling author, Sahara Rose, is breaking down the abundance mindset and how we can build a better relationship to money…

We’ve all been there — unable to maintain eye contact with credit card statements because we spent half our rent on acupuncture, drip IVs and Erehwon.

Though you were stoked about the transactions at the time, afterward the guilt seeps in. You begin playing a familiar dialogue in your head: I’m not good with money. Money is hard to come by and easy to spend. I’m not in control of my finances. I will never have enough money to support the life I want to live.

These stories become part of our subconscious and are the background music that create our reality — subtle, but they make a big difference between a romantic love scene and ghastly horror scene. The thing is, most of these stories we don’t even choose. We take them on from childhood.

Before we even know what money is, we hear our parents fighting about it and are told it’s the reason we can’t have the toys we want. But, we still have no idea what money actually is. We hear statements like these: Money doesn’t grow on trees. Do I look like I’m made out of money? More money, more problems. And this is how we create our money story — it causes stress, it makes us greedy, it ruins our life. But we still need it.

What Are Abundance Mindsets?

In my work as an Ayurvedic author and abundance mindset expert, I’ve broken down the various abundance mindsets into three types: air (Vata), fire (Pitta) and Earth (Kapha).

Air (Vata) | You like to ignore money because it feels too overwhelming and heavy. You pretend that if you don’t look at your credit card statement, it’s pretty much like it never happened. This can lead to serious debt when you don’t address your abundance mindset and reprogram your money blocks.

Fire (Pitta) | You have a spreadsheet for everything. You started investing by the time you went to prom. You know how every dollar is spent and exactly how much is in your bank account at all times. However, you can often miss out on great opportunities and creative risks because you need risks to be extremely calculated, which can leave you creatively unfulfilled.

Earth (Kapha) | You like your money where you can see it — in your savings account (or under your mattresses, literally). You like to hold onto money and have a hard time spending it — unless it comes to gifting others or buying a luscious new blanket and candle. You often miss out on potential business opportunities (like creating your own candle brand) because you don’t want to invest your own money into something (too risky). You’d rather work for someone else.

Knowing your abundance mindset type can make a night-and-day difference between living a life of constant struggle and overdraft, verses living a life of purpose, freedom and joy. I’ve noticed enormous shifts in my own life, which inspired me to create the abundance mindset masterclass. I have seen firsthand how this work transformed the lives of thousands.

As a Vata Air type, I used to have no idea how much money I spent and would constantly find myself paying for subscriptions and services I never used (sound familiar?). I felt like talking about money was dirty and I couldn’t be a spiritual person while desiring money. However, by shifting my abundance mindset, I learned that the two can go hand-in-hand and are actually meant to! You can only live your fullest life, eat organic foods, travel the world, support conscious companies and give to causes you love if you master your abundance mindset.

What is your abundance mindset type? What about your significant other? Best friend? Send this article to them to find out!

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