


Some of us love spending hours at the gym… but some of us don’t.  And that’s okay. Fortunately, a killer HIIT workout can happen in a matter of minutes, literally anywhere – you just have to have the will, the focus and the right playlist to make it happen. 

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) calls for a blast of major energy and effort, but only for a short period of time. The results are tight and toned muscles and a fired-up metabolism that keeps burning long after you stop. Try this full-body blast from Hawaii-based mama, lifestyle blogger and Free People contributor, Mona Jane aka Rocamoon…

Besides the satisfaction of seeing those abs beginning to show, your core is definitely something that should get a lot of attention. It is key to many of the day to day movements we make. Bending, reaching and twisting are movements we do every day. It could be picking up something off the ground, or reaching to fasten the seat belt. It connects the lower body to the upper body and plays a huge role in the kinetic chain and transfer of energy and force throughout the body. Having a strong core helps to stabilize the body, improve posture and maintain balance during many daily tasks and activities.

This HIIT workout is all about getting your heart rate up as well as fire burning in the core. You’ll work your entire waistline for a stronger, more toned stomach, and burn some serious calories. The aim is to pick up the pace and push it hard during the cardio exercises and then slow it down with more controlled movements for the other exercises in between.

Do the cardio exercises for 45 secs, and 10 reps (each side) for the exercises in between. Rest 60 sec between rounds. Repeat for 3 rounds.

Cardio: High Knees
Superman Crunch
Cardio: Mountain Climbers
Bicycle Extended V Ups
Cardio: Bicycles
Commando Folds
Cardio: Plank Jacks
Side Plank Rotation
Cardio: Squat oblique twist

High Knees | Engaging the core, specifically the lower abs, run on the spot, driving the knees toward the chest bringing them to at least a 90-degree angle, keep the chest up and back straight.

Superman Crunch | Beginning in high plank position, straight line from head to heels with shoulders directly over the wrists. Extend the left arm forward whilst also lifting the right foot off the ground and lengthening the opposite way. With control, lift the leg upward behind you for a pulse in the booty. Engaging the belly button to the spine lower the leg down as well as the extended arm but without putting them on the ground. Bending at the elbow and knee, drive the knee towards the chest and over to the opposite elbow, squeezing through the core and obliques. Then extend the arm and leg long again and repeat for set reps before switching sides. It is key that you focus on doing this slow, and controlled engaging through the core and lower back avoiding any sagging hips or butts in the air. Also, focus on keeping the hips square to the floor. This movement really tests stability so, if needed, take the movement down onto all fours beginning in tabletop position.

Mountain Climbers | Just like the superman crunch, begin in a high plank position, hands directly under shoulders, straight line from head to heels. Bring the knee towards the chest and squeeze the abs, alternating legs in a continuous manner like a running motion with the hands planted.

Bicycle V-Ups | Lie flat on the floor with your lower back pressed to the ground. Pull your belly button towards the spine to engage your deep abs. Put your hands behind your head and bring your knees in towards your chest and lift your shoulder blades off the ground, but make sure to avoid pulling on your neck.

Straighten your right leg out to about a 45-degree angle to the ground while turning your upper body to the left, bringing your right elbow towards the left knee. Make sure your rib cage is moving and not just your elbows.

Now switch sides and do the same motion on the other side. Then, engaging the lower abs, extend the legs out long and arms overhead keeping both off the ground. Keep your feet together and your legs straight as you lift them up towards the sky, while you simultaneously raise your upper body off the floor. Keep your core tight as you reach for your toes with your hands. Slowly lower yourself back down and go straight back into the bicycles. An alternative option is to keep the head and shoulders on the floor for the bicycles and then just bending both knees toward the chest instead of keeping the legs straight and lifting toward the sky.

Bicycles | These are just like the bicycles in the previous exercise but repeated in a continuous manner.

Lie flat on the floor with your lower back pressed to the ground. Pull your belly button towards the spine to engage your deep abs. Put your hands behind your head and bring your knees in towards your chest and lift your shoulder blades off the ground, but make sure to avoid pulling on your neck.

Straighten your right leg out to about a 45-degree angle to the ground while turning your upper body to the left, bringing your right elbow towards the left knee. Make sure your rib cage is moving and not just your elbows.

Now switch sides and do the same motion on the other side, and continue to alternate sides.

Commando Folds | Begin in high plank position, straight line from head to heels. Keep the shoulders down and away from the ears, drop down one by one onto forearms, then push back up one by one into starting position. Then transferring the weight to the arms contract the core and jump the feet towards the hands, then straight back out into starting position and repeat from the start. Try your best to stay stable and firm through the core and hips during the commando trying to avoid the hips wobbling/dipping.

Plank Jacks | Begin in plank position, with your shoulders over your wrists, your body in one straight line, and your feet together. Like the motion of a jumping jack, jump your legs wide and then back together. Jump as quickly as you want, but keep your pelvis steady and don’t let your booty rise toward the sky.

Side Plank Rotation | Start in a side plank position with elbow under shoulder and feet stacked, balancing on the knife edge of the bottom foot. Open through your chest with the opposite arm extended towards the ceiling. Follow your arm with your gaze. Rotating through the hips, sweep the extended arm under the torso as you come onto the toes of both feet. Then rotate back up to the ceiling and onto the knife edge of the foot. Repeat for the set reps before switching sides. Be sure to keep the back straight, and lower hip up and engaged, avoiding sagging or hinging backward at the hips.

Squat Oblique Twists | Start with feet a little wider than shoulder-width apart, chest up and hands behind the head. Sit the hips back as you squat down, ensuring the knees are behind the toes as they bend. Then extending the hips come up out of the squat, and drive the left knee up as you rotate the torso toward the knee to have the opposite elbow meet with knee. Rotate back to the center and repeat on the other side, alternating in a continuous manner.

Working out is better together. Check out these cute ideas for fit friend dates.

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