

Farm to Pharmacy. Since 1965, OG apothecary Flora has been dishing out old-school herbal remedies. In the 90’s they launched Flor•Essence, a signature formula that targets a host of chronic conditions and is “revered by people everywhere for its life-rejuvenating benefits” according to their site. Even after all these decades, Flora’s classic products are still a staple in our wellness repertoire, both for the integrity of their process and the purity of their ingredients.

We recently spent the weekend with the family behind Flora and found ourselves thrilled and comforted by the trend-proof legacy of their oils, teas and herbs. This gorgeous dinner on the Thorne Family Farm was a piece of heaven. Blueberries, poppies, and citrus fruit were ready to pick all around us and the farm’s bee hives and chicken coops were in full swing. Dinner was served by adorable mother and daughter duo, Bites and Bashes. Their bright citrus vinaigrette is perfect atop a farmers market salad and is packed with Flora’s world-class Udo’s Oil (a smart blend of omega 3, 6 and 9).

Emulsified Orange Vinaigrette


2 cups white vinegar
1 cup Dijon mustard
1 cup honey
1 cup orange juice (depends on consistency)
4 whole oranges
1 whole tangerine
1 cup water
4 tbs salt
1 tsp pepper

Emulsify in a blender. Add orange juice if necessary. Enjoy!

This recipe makes a very large batch, but it will last in the fridge for up to two weeks. We love it drizzled over frissee, shaved fennel and citrus slices.

If you’re on a salad kick this summer, be sure to check out this stress-busting CBD salad dressing.

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