

Your First Step Toward Health: Pinpoint Your Purpose

As a pilates instructor, my favorite way to teach new exercise peeps how to love their bodies is to teach them how to move with them. What motivates you? Find your purpose in your pursuit of health – it’s the first step to finding motivation within! If you find yourself locked in a consistent pattern of whining about wanting a new body, a new health perspective or better self-confidence but can’t figure out how to get those things, it’s time for you to find your purpose.

  • Try a new exercise every week until you find something you like! I happen to love pilates and do it 5 times a week to keep my body strong and my mind clear. It is the only exercise that I crave doing and couldn’t imagine life without. Find something you love doing. Whatever that is – if you love it – you’ll stick with it!
  • Think about those who depend on you. So many loved ones are counting on you to stay strong and vital: your kids, husband/wife, parents, friends, employees, co-workers…your pets! When you exercise and eat healthy, you prolong your life, not only for yourself, but also for those who love you. Think about your health in terms of your commitment to them.
  • Cooking is easier than you think. Just by following simple recipes, you can make a homemade meal in minutes instead of waiting an hour for delivery to get to your house. Make life easier by making cooking easier! Here are a few of my own favorite personal tips.
  • Keep a healthy perspective. A lot of people begin to gain weight when they start to workout because they confuse hunger with appetite. Of course you’re going to be more hungry once you start exercising— because you’re burning more calories! However, it doesn’t mean you can give yourself a free pass to eat whatever you wish…balance is key. Here is a list of great foods to keep on hand to stay strong. Keeping your diet under control and in a healthy perspective, along with daily workouts, is what will cause weight loss. It takes two to tango.

Hopefully these 4 specific pointers will help motivate and fill you with purpose in your pursuit of health. There’s no better time to start than right now! Check out gyms, ask around to friends about where to begin and begin your own healthy journey today.

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