

Thirty million women fall between the age of thirty and forty-five. Cameron Diaz thinks that most of them are ready for a new perspective on aging and we’re pretty sure she’s right. The conversation on aging is long overdue for a reboot, and if anyone knows it it’s a woman smack in the center of Hollywood like Cameron Diaz.

Watch Cameron talk about the exhausting efforts of “anti-aging”, what we should be celebrating about growing older, and what she thinks women are ready for when it comes to the big screen…

We can’t stop aging, but Cameron has discovered that there are ways we can do it well. In this interview with LA Review of Books discussing The Longevity Book, Cameron talks about our deep-rooted cultural assumptions around aging and the science behind growing older. She also shares insights from her own life about how aging affects women and why Hollywood would be wise to create more roles for women in their 40s.

What are your thoughts on this call to arms of sorts that Cameron has proposed? How will you help change the conversation around aging?

For more ways to live well inspired by Cameron, explore the inspo and resources on her site, Our Body Book

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