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Read and Feed: 11 Plant-based Cookbooks For This Summer

Brassicas, also known as cruciferous vegetables, may be the most nutrient-dense group of vegetables grown today. With their rich dark color and alien-like curly leaves, the nature of these vegetables often deter us from adding them into our culinary repertoire. But thanks to Laura B. Russell's newest cookbook, Brassicas, we have been given a guide. Her cookbook consists of 80 inventive and flavorful recipes that are both easy to make, and delicious to eat. Unlike other people who have tried to tame the brassicas family, Laura favors techniques that celebrate this unique family of vegetable's intrinsic flavors instead of masking them under blankets of cheese or cream sauces. With dishes like Smoky Kale Salad with Toasted Almonds, and Roasted Broccoli with Savory Granola, your healthiest dish will soon become the most delicious.

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best plant based cookbooks vegan vegetarian recipes

Some folks prefer fairy tales before bed, but for us, there’s nothing better than climbing into bed with a brand new cookbook! Reading a new cookbook cover-to-cover with all its gorgeous photography and inspiring recipes whisks us away to a heavenly place and readies our imagination for the best possible foodie dreams. We’ve sifted through some of the latest and greatest hitting the shelves this summer and are sharing a few faves from our own growing pile of nightstand reads. Click through and pick a few to flip through…

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